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Mind AttunemenT


The mind.....

The more In-tune the body the mind becomes In-tune 

Through mind exercises (reading)

Positive Reflection 


Positive Mantras

I am Strong, I am composed, I am relaxed, I am prosperous and I am successful. This world is a better place because I Live Here.

Reflecting Positively on what you want out of life in your physical and spiritual reality.

Come up with your own mantras

Simply recite a prayer that warms you.

Lord Jesus Christ have Mercy on me.

From the Mind we can bring in turn the Five senses. Pay close attention to them individually. Breathe in deeply. Feel the wind on your skin. pay attention to your heartbeat. See the Light as vividly as possible without straining your eyes. give yourself the eye test by practicing to read smaller words. Or simply look at the smaller things in nature. Your Soul Attunement begins and your emotions will sync.



The Power of our mind.


 We All have a Power. A powerful sense of knowing, of feeling, of loving. We are all born with senses. Not common sense but we all have five senses as labeled by the scientific world. If someone is born without one of the five senses the other four are heightened by use in order to compensate for the loss of one. We all have been given a lot more than these five senses.  From the time we are born we have no idea how to use the five senses until we are taught by someone else or a parent. Our Creator made us with everything we need to survive in this world and the next. We just haven't been shown how to use them or maybe It will come naturally when it's time to use them.


There are plenty of unnamed senses that we go through regularly. Our sense of adventure, sense of caution, sense of being watched, sense of knowing right from wrong. Then there are feelings and emotions that could be interpreted as a sense.  Love, hurt, pain, anger, hunger. But using any one of these to the extreme can lead to overindulgence and causes one to inflict destruction on another one of God's creation including one's self. Overindulgence in the labeled five senses can also be read as an obsession or addiction. 

Definition of power as per the dictionary is                                                                            

    : the ability to act or produce an effect                                                                            

    : possession of control, authority, or influence over others                                                    

    : physical might                                                                                                                              

    : a source or means of supplying energy                                                                                


Just to name a few but there is another power that is of self which is in all of our feelings, emotions and senses. Mental and or moral efficacy is another dictionary definition so let us take the mental or moral to a heightened state. Now are we precognitive, psychic or just using our sense of deduction to forecast an outcome? However, defined it's our God-given talent. 


Let's focus on the un-named senses for a moment. The ones that are for the good of God. The Love, the Caring, the sharing. We are starting with these because we know that these bring out the good in all of us.  Can we be too loving, caring or sharing?? Yes or No that is how we learn. Develop these three control them and then use them for His work.  

When you try to get someone to smell something that has a bad odor their reaction is never pleasant some people will in turn try to get someone else to smell the same odor and then laugh at their disgust. The smell of roses will always bring a smile. Give somebody something to taste but tell them it tastes like medicine before handing it to them and watch their reaction. Or tell them it tastes like candy.  It's how we have been taught to learn. Meditate on the three emotions. Once we have developed our loving, caring and sharing let's try to use these to communicate with God and His creations. Become A Multi-sensory Being.


Have you ever talked about someone in a good way or though about a person whom you cared about? Whether it was in a professional setting or mentioning a good deed that they did or just A casual conversation and then they show up. what about when a person does something extraordinary in a moment of desperation. super strength, a deep dive to save a life, a healing that has been pronounced incurable. Individuals have studied a certain field to be good at it for a job or career. Can we not study a feeling, emotion or sense and use it for Gods good or to help our surroundings. The Power of Love. Let's use a plant for example. Starting with the seed.

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